The Presidents Before Washington:
From the moment that the first Declaration of Independence in Mecklenburg, North Carolina took place (if not before) there were people leading the cause of American Independence. But the Presidents of the Continental Congress starting with Peyton Randolph should be considered as key figures in the history of this façade called America. The United States is actually many things other than a democracy despite what the media say. It is Synarchy or an oligarchy wrapped in fine talk, corporate intrigue and cronyistic breaks for ‘supporters’ or the owners of The Fed. The Randolphs are Royals and so were most of the landed gentry and slave owners who formed this nation due to the move away from slavery in Britain and France. There are other investment reasons for international financiers including the King of England and the Rothschild Illuminati and Hessians that we must inspect again and again.
There were people in charge of America and the trade with it from Europe and China and other places throughout many millennia starting with Ophir, Moses, then Solomon, Joseph of Arimathaea, Robert the Bruce and so on. Some of these were just corporations like Tartessus/Iberia competing with each other, no doubt. Some of them were working in concert and headed by the Phoenicians or Nobles like the Benjaminites or Carthaginians. There is much we must learn if we are to bring an end to these secrets but I am encouraged when I see the G-8 in 2005 claiming they will end export subsidies. This will allow local freedom to build infrastructure and plan businesses or farms. Buying local warlords has been the standard operating procedure of Manifest Destiny for too long. The religions that proclaimed Manifest Destiny or Divine Right of Kings have shackled mankind for too many millennia and they always call each other names like terrorist or barbarian. But these religions are managed by the same inner sanctums or elite power-mongers who control trade.
“The clergy converted the simple teachings of Jesus into an engine for enslaving mankind and adulterated by artificial constructions into a contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves…these clergy, in fact, constitute the real Anti-Christ.” ? Thomas Jefferson
Author of Diverse DruidsColumnist for The ES Press MagazineGuest ‘expert’ at